iReach App Privacy Policy

Information Collected

iReach collects personal information such as name, email, and date of birth for account creation. Usage data and analytics may also be collected to improve the app.

Data Usage

iReach uses personal data to provide personalized content and enhance user experience. Data may be shared with third-party services for analytics and app improvement.

Data Security

iReach employs industry-standard security measures to protect user data. Users are responsible for maintaining the security of their account credentials.

Third-Party Links

iReach may contain links to third-party websites. This Privacy Policy does not apply to external sites; users should review their policies.


iReach may use cookies for user authentication and to enhance user experience. Users can manage cookie preferences in their app settings.


Users can opt-out of certain data collection features in the app settings. However, some features may be limited without certain data.

Policy Changes

iReach may update the Privacy Policy, and users will be notified of any changes. Continued use of the app after changes indicates acceptance.

Contact Information

Users can contact iReach for privacy-related concerns at